Queen’s Touch is the solution to all who have self-care needs. Through observation of people consumed with daily routines and the impact on hair and skin, Melanie Fentress, CEO of Queen’s Touch, became the solution to the negative impacts of self-care sacrifice and abandonment. Queen’s Touch unrefined Shea Butter for hair and skin delivers revitalization, nutrients, and rejuvenation to all consumers. The process used to create hair and skin products includes research and development, market analysis, and ingredient acquisition and mixtures. The commitment to exceptional outcomes requires high quality ingredients. The all-natural ingredients provide long lasting outcomes that reverse damaged hair and skin. With the revitalizing effects customers experience a renewed zest and confidence as hair and skin glows. Many of us take pride in our hair and skin because it is an extension of our identity and is often associated with beauty. Queen’s Touch magnifies what is already present, while providing positive long-lasting effects. Healthy scalp brings healthy hair. You are royalty. It is time to apply greatness to your hair and skin.
As a former consumer of commercial hair and skin products, I experienced a painful scalp condition. The chemicals and non-natural ingredients caused severe burning and itching. Formerly used skin products provided temporary moisture that caused my skin to become very dry or left residue. When I decided enough was enough, I went to work. I researched and began mixing my own ingredients to alleviate the pain and resolve scalp condition. Within days my scalp was relieved of itchiness and pain. Hand mixed oils for scalp and unrefined Shea Butter also softened hair naturally without the requirement of chemicals and high heat products. The strategic selection of oils to combine with unrefined Shea Butter provided healthy glowing skin as well.
As a hair technician for over 20 years, I have become proficient in identifying neglected hair care. Through an assessment of hair and scalp, hair texture and health are easily identified. Issues such damaged ends, scalp irregularities, and overall negative health have been my specialty in the scalp and hair restoration process. Years ago, I supported a friend during her battle with cancer, I decided to cut my hair bald until the final chemotherapy session. My regiment was biweekly barber shops appointments and over the counter scalp products. My friend won the battle, and I made the transition to begin growing my hair again. I did not subscribe to the recommendations of hair professionals that used non-natural ingredients. The decision to use high quality natural oils and unrefined Shea Butter has provided my friend and I healthier skin and hair.
I am extremely passionate about serving monocultural and multicultural people. Queen’s Touch is more than physical touch and application of products. It is the transference of ideas, networking, therapy, shared insights, empowerment, and identity validation of supreme presence through interpersonal interactions and the applications of the all-natural product line. Challenges and the busyness of life have hampered people and self-care is often sacrifice. This leads to insufficient self-care. Queen’s Touch provides the quality filled care with each application of unrefined Shea Butter for hair and skin, oils, and other specialty products. Each application of Queen’s Touch products is reinforcement that you matter, and the plight of self-care includes the care of skin and hair. Queen’s Touch does not seek to alter your beauty but enhance what is already present. Experience the glow of properly cared for skin, the calming and therapeutic effects of hand refined creams, and allow the aromas of the products to put you in a tranquil state. Queen’s Touch celebrates your uniqueness and welcomes the continued support as you care for you skin and hair.